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Studies at RAM

Studies at Tokyo University of the Arts RAM Association: Research for Arts and Media-project

A document of a walk on 24th August 2020

production date 2020.08

short documentary/14min/HD/colour

RAM The Study of a Walk

Documenting myself by a voice recorder and still images through walking my hometown.

A thought about lines

production date 2020.09
short documentary/4min/HD/colour

RAM The writing of stones ‘Gathering, Selecting, and Reading (re-learning)’
Creating a lecture performance about lines from three keywords: tartan, hemp, and prefectural border.


An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Edinburgh

And what I am seeing in the imaginary city

production date 2020.10

I attempted to exhaust the city of Edinburgh; I was writing down everything that I saw from a cafe. I read my notes and am traveling around an imaginary and revised Edinburgh in my memory.

エディンバラの片隅を実況中継する試み そして今、記憶の中の街に何を見ているか

Body Temperature

production date 2021.01

single channel video

I try to melt a piece of ice and lard by my body temparature.


Drawing Prayer

production date 2021.02

In a drawing class, I was taught we need to practice drawing lines before starting actual work. I was repeating a warming-up exercise endlessly.

© 2022 Takahiro Ueno

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